Monday, July 28, 2014

commonsenseinaradicalage: Social Media is More Accurate than Satellite Imagi...

commonsenseinaradicalage: Social Media is More Accurate than Satellite Imagi...: According to this administration, the Soviet rebels are the people responsible for shooting down MH17 and they have proof. Yes, they read it...

Social Media is More Accurate than Satellite Imaging

According to this administration, the Soviet rebels are the people responsible for shooting down MH17 and they have proof. Yes, they read it on Twitter, Facebook, and saw YouTube videos about the incident, while others have gone with satellite imaging which tends to indicate that the Ukranian Army fired upon MH17...

It's scary to hear these words coming from the people who are suppose to defend, protect, and guard American lives and interest. Scarier still is that people who notoriously lie to us--the mainstream media--are totally correct in every piece of propaganda pertaining to Russia. We don't believe them until it is news about Putin and Russia?? Does that make sense? NO!!

Somewhere between the Russian propaganda and the U S media is the truth, but believing anything either media says, based on their reportage and with no alternative facts, is just stupid. So far, we've had fake tapes of Russian insurgents speaking about blowing MH17 out of the air, and hurried judgments by the White House inhabitant, which turn out to be information gleaned from social media and youtube, because if you saw it on the internet, it must be true, right?

When the first graders get done playing government, please wake us all up. Until then, believe nothing you hear and even less of what you see, but keep your mind aware that we have an invasion on the southern border that is more likely to kill us than any Russian nuke. This whole dog and pony show is getting old.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

commonsenseinaradicalage: Fifty Caliber Fired at Border Patrol

commonsenseinaradicalage: Fifty Caliber Fired at Border Patrol: Fox News is reporting that border patrol in Texas have been fired upon by a 50-caliber weapon. Of course there is the usual liberal dri...

Fifty Caliber Fired at Border Patrol

Fox News is reporting that border patrol in Texas have been fired upon by a 50-caliber weapon. Of course there is the usual liberal drivel of denial, a plenty, in the comments section. However, one commenter had a great idea. Since the liberals don’t want to send the invaders home, we should send the liberals to Mexico.

Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Most of the Democratic voting base are the entitlement minded who vote every election for more freebies. They love to say that all Americans are immigrants, failing to appreciate that most alive today were born here, as were their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents,etc. Since we are supposedly getting workers who do jobs that Americans don’t want to do—aka the entitlement welfare class—then why not make the swap. For every illegal alien allowed to stay, send one bleeding heart liberal, along with their grandiose dreams of socialism, to Mexico.

Here’s the rub. Those coming here, for nearly a decade now, don’t want to work but prefer to sign up for every taxpayer program available. However, if we sent them too many of our bleeding heart entitlement lovers, they would start a war. In Mexico, there is no such thing as a free lunch and the countries, from whence the latest invasion is emanating, are by-far less tolerant of lazy do-gooders with their hands out. It’s still such a lovely thought.

While our border patrol is being fired upon, the one in the White House is busy telling Putin how to run a country. There is a fair bit of irony in that isn’t there?

Friday, July 18, 2014

commonsenseinaradicalage: Malaysian Jet Downed--Obama Bans AK-47's Made in R...

commonsenseinaradicalage: Malaysian Jet Downed--Obama Bans AK-47's Made in R...: It's imperative that no one question the stories our media puts forth as truth. More to the point, no one questions what our White House...

Malaysian Jet Downed--Obama Bans AK-47's Made in Russia

It's imperative that no one question the stories our media puts forth as truth. More to the point, no one questions what our White House inhabitant says happened. So, why is it that a recording between Russian rebels sounds like they thought they had shot down a cargo plane and the media is calling it an act of terrorism? Something smells like rotting fish and it's hard to say exactly which odor even holds a scintilla of truth.

Yesterday, before the airplane had barely hit the ground, the Democrats were blaming Putin and Mother Russia. Most Americans are not fans of Russia and tend to be overly suspicious of anything out of the ordinary, such as planes shot out of the sky, where the country and her leaders are concerned. Putin is ex-KGB meaning he was a portion of the interrogative force under communist rule. Yes, the KGB like our CIA took people off the streets and they were never heard from again...or their bodies were found under suspicious circumstances.

So what? We have a community organizer and vacationing, golfing creep in the White House who spent many a day black-mailing banks into making loans to people for housing they could not afford. That sounds much better, doesn't it? That and his affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, his terrorist-linked half brother, and his communist/fascist idols all add up to one heck of a nice guy, right?

Is it strange, coincidence, or something more sinister that finds us looking at another downed jet just when Obama is up against bad ratings, policies that have led to an invasion on our southern border, and numbers that aren't adding up for Obamacare? Why is it that we have a "look over here" disaster every time things get rough for the POtuS? Why?

OMG, it's a conspiracy nut, right? No, not a nut, but things are smelling like garbage and dribble from the media and sounding like an orchestrated plot to draw attention away from our own problems. "Sources say" that the only place the rebels could have gotten the BUK was from Russia and yet, over the last two years, our military has lost numerous nukes and missiles. Well Howdy Doody, it could never happen that the Ukraine or the rebels might have come across a lost stash of Russian military weaponry. After all, Putin wouldn't have such things happen in his man's army. Maybe not, or maybe all that we see and all that we hear is what our media wants us to see and hear and there's a fair bet that that is all the Russians and Ukranians see and hear from their media.

We don't know what happened, but then again we had over a hundred eye-witnesses that saw a missile strike TWA flight 800 during the Clinton years and our government still contends it never happened. Will we know the truth about Malaysian M17 or Malaysia 370 in our life times? Oh yea, that one is still missing...

What we do know is that with a stroke of his pen, Obama banned all AK-47's made in Russia yesterday. The exceptions are those purchased before the date of exclusion. Nah, couldn't have anything to do with reports of missing jets, blaming Putin and Mother Russia for terrorist activities, or men who are "supposed to be rebels" speaking of downing what they thought was a cargo plane, could it?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

commonsenseinaradicalage: Newly Unemployed Starve While Illegals Get EBT Car...

commonsenseinaradicalage: Newly Unemployed Starve While Illegals Get EBT Car...: The average American will wait six months or more for any help from this government for entitlement programs. Many of us know this firs...

Newly Unemployed Starve While Illegals Get EBT Cards

The average American will wait six months or more for any help from this government for entitlement programs. Many of us know this first hand. Many will die waiting because the government doesn’t care if you starve…you’re no longer paying taxes, too bad.

In yesterday’s news, there was a story of a woman on her lunch break who learned that newly arrived illegals were coming by thebusload to Wal Mart with EBT cards to buy supplies for themselves and their families. Newly arrived illegals? How’s that for your government taking care of you, protecting you, and serving your interest.

Thousands of veterans have died because the VA pushed them to the back of the line and forgot them. Thousands of Americans have died having paid in to social security their whole working life, only to be told to wait six months before they could begin to receive their benefits, but thousands of illegals cross our borders and are pushed to the head of the line for benefits.

Obama and congress should be arrested and charged with treason for failure to protect and defend the United States from invasion, and failure to serve their oaths. It’s that simple.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

commonsenseinaradicalage: Voting is Unlikely to Change a Thing

commonsenseinaradicalage: Voting is Unlikely to Change a Thing: Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man, and he’s right that impeaching Obama would only lead to Harry Reid quashing it in the senate. That’s...

Voting is Unlikely to Change a Thing

Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man, and he’s right that impeaching Obama would only lead to Harry Reid quashing it in the senate. That’s a fact, and we all know it, but doing something, at this point, is better than doing nothing. Here’s the real problem that too many are missing. Beohner and the Ole Guard GOP have no intentions of really doing anything about or with Obama and his criminal administration.

They’re not going to impeach him because he has opened up a can of worms that they, themselves, intend to enjoy when the next GOP POtuS gets in to the oval office. They’ve sat quietly while Obama declared war on Libya without congressional consent, while he wrote an EO essentially accomplishing the Dream Act’s intent, and while he made deals with the Mexican government that lead to the invasion we’re experiencing now, and for good reason. The next GOP POtuS will slide sideways on congress, write EOs, declare war without congressional consent, make appointments without confirmation while congress is in session, take away rights and freedoms, etc., because we are just pawns in the Washington D. C. game of corruption and deception. We no longer have representation in D. C. and if we don’t wake up to that fact now, we will no longer have elections—fraudulent though they may be. Sorry, we’re screwed.

The GOP gave us Romney despite the fact that he was not our choice. They sabotaged the other candidates to get the man they wanted. The DNC does the same to their voting base. They’ve decided on Hillary whether or not the DNC voter wants her. We don’t have a free and open election. We have a well-orchestrated period of money-spending, campaigning, and fraud while the parties in Washington D. C. play with our lives.

The GOP, like the DNC, goes to extremes to keep the “Good Ole Boy” system in-play. They will oust any candidate by hook or crook to keep the party in-line. They went after Allen West because he wouldn’t play ball. They went after Herman Cain for the same reason, and so many more have been ousted to keep the ruling class in-check. Poor men with no wealthy backers have no chance of running an honest election. The GOP and DNC will fight to keep out what they consider riff-raff, so that the wheeling and dealing can continue. Since the advent of electronic voting machines, they have gotten away with fraud and will continue to get away with fraud. Unfortunately, we will see more and more investigations where-in no punishment is ever dealt to Obama and his colleagues, and where millions and billions of taxpayer money is tossed to the wind. 

It’s all one big Dog and Pony show for the benefit of the world. It’s certainly not for the benefit of the American citizen. They have made it quite clear that they could give a rat’s ass what the people want.  

There are no legal elections and primaries have become a joke too. The GOP simply goes to the DNC to keep their old dog in office and the DNC does the same with the GOP. Men such as John McCain, John Beohner, Mitch McConnell, etc., on the right, and people like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc., on the left wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in Hell of getting re-elected in a straight forward, honest race. They have to cheat because they don’t serve the people—some are not fit to serve breakfast at Mickey Dee’s—they serve themselves. Time to rethink elections and find ways to keep the Good Ole Boys from cheating their way back into a job they haven’t done in decades.

And please, no one even mention the Libertarians. They are every bit as bad and every bit as two-faced. The only way anyone stays in D.C. is if they play ball.