It’s not bad enough that there is incessant fighting
and bickering among the leaders of this nation, but to scroll down a page and
see where some idiot in their lamest moment typed:
The biggest threat to this nation isn’t Russia,
China, or North Korea. It’s CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, etc.
In other words, a free press is more of a threat
than communist countries that would love nothing more than to see the United
States fall to ruin.
A free press does not mean publications that only
print what you want to read. It does not mean a press that is beholden to your
ideology. It is a press free to print the news. Granted, our press has become
biased to the Nationalist/Populist (the party of Trump) or Liberal slant of the
day’s events. However, an intelligent and interested person can read selections
from both sides of the news and decipher the facts.
When Obama went after Fox News and talk radio,
everyone screamed that the free press was necessary to keep the government
in-check, and it was/is. Now that it’s Trump, there is a coordinated effort—once
again from the president to the least of us—to shut down any opposing speech.
If a free press is the biggest threat to this nation
in your mind, then you have forgotten why this nation exists. The problem isn’t
the press. The problem is the constant propaganda informing you that a free
press is bad. It’s fake news if it isn’t Fox News, Breitbart, or one of the
many networks or publications that praise Trump.
Goebbels would be proud of what has been
accomplished and you can bet your next paycheck that the Soviets, Chinese, and
North Koreans, are too. It’s sad to think that people are so angry and so
enamored of a reality show host that they would sell out their children and grandchildren’s
futures just to keep Trump happy. So enamored that they truly don’t want to
know the truth. So enamored that they are content to sit idly by and watch this
nation be destroyed.
Or is it that you’re so angry over the last
administration that you are content to allow another run-away president and
congress to use the Constitution like toilet paper?