Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Divide and Conquer a Strategy for Ruling a Country

For those still playing the 2-party game, please wake up.

Every day, all day long, it’s Trump raging against the Democrats. While the Democrats rage against the Republicans, and the media reaps the rewards. The truth is a lot less reality show and lot more deception, device, divide, and keeping them angry while the polies play the game of government spending.

Those convinced that Trump is a man of the people have yet to realize the only people he cares about are named Trump, or those who can make Trump wealthier. He has played upon the emotions of a derelict crowd of misfits angry and willing to blame anyone for what they see as their dispirited lives.  Anger begets anger and the polies roll on spending as though tomorrow will never come.

The reality is that there are not 2 parties but 1 large party for which we—the taxpayers—foot the bill. For this week’s pleasure, we present Christopher Columbus—clearly a white oppressor—as the target of hate. And hate we must, because hate drives the machine that provides the money from which the government derives all power. 

Newsflash, Columbus was an Italian. Italians are not from the Caucus region of Russia, and therefore, not truly white. Defining all conquerors as white (a group far more diverse than the color can encompass) seems to be a thing now. Good ole Chris could no more be a white oppressor than Che Guevara could but if the story line carries, the Native American tribes can get their hate on. Now, if they can just figure out a way to make Columbus both white and Democrat, or white and Republican, a completely new group can put the hate on him, too.

Once upon a decade or four ago, we strove to find commonalities, reasons to exist as one-people. While Republicans blame the Democrats for the shift in ideology, both are very much to blame. The need to control and have power has led the politicians to deceive the public and ingratiate themselves with groups too diverse to become allies, much-less communities grown wealthier through common goals. Better to feed off the fat than get to the bone.

Some of us are very much awake and sickened by what the hunger for power has wrought. Embarrassed by the image of America and Americans, the world over, as Trump stumbles about attempting to present himself as some form of consummate world leader—and failing miserably, as he appears the clown in a side show.

Congratulations America, we have finally reached that pinnacle they warned about, and have made a fool our leader. Pick a party, any party, and what you have is just one more reason to sit out the vote. Until “we the people” stop looking to government to solve our problems and start solving them ourselves, we will continue to elect people whose goals are to deceive us long enough to reap the fat of the land.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Biggest Threat to this Nation is a Free Press

It’s not bad enough that there is incessant fighting and bickering among the leaders of this nation, but to scroll down a page and see where some idiot in their lamest moment typed:

The biggest threat to this nation isn’t Russia, China, or North Korea. It’s CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, etc.

In other words, a free press is more of a threat than communist countries that would love nothing more than to see the United States fall to ruin. 

A free press does not mean publications that only print what you want to read. It does not mean a press that is beholden to your ideology. It is a press free to print the news. Granted, our press has become biased to the Nationalist/Populist (the party of Trump) or Liberal slant of the day’s events. However, an intelligent and interested person can read selections from both sides of the news and decipher the facts. 

When Obama went after Fox News and talk radio, everyone screamed that the free press was necessary to keep the government in-check, and it was/is. Now that it’s Trump, there is a coordinated effort—once again from the president to the least of us—to shut down any opposing speech. 

If a free press is the biggest threat to this nation in your mind, then you have forgotten why this nation exists. The problem isn’t the press. The problem is the constant propaganda informing you that a free press is bad. It’s fake news if it isn’t Fox News, Breitbart, or one of the many networks or publications that praise Trump.

Goebbels would be proud of what has been accomplished and you can bet your next paycheck that the Soviets, Chinese, and North Koreans, are too. It’s sad to think that people are so angry and so enamored of a reality show host that they would sell out their children and grandchildren’s futures just to keep Trump happy. So enamored that they truly don’t want to know the truth. So enamored that they are content to sit idly by and watch this nation be destroyed.

Or is it that you’re so angry over the last administration that you are content to allow another run-away president and congress to use the Constitution like toilet paper?